Biuro Ochrony Praw Konsumenta obliczyło, że ponad 3 miliony mieszkańców UK pada ofiarą mass marketingowego scamu – niechcianej poczty, telefonów, faxów oraz innej formy marketingu. Jednakże rocznie tylko 5% ofiar zgłasza ten fakt do biura. Inicjatywa SCAMNESTY daje każdemu możliwość walki ze „scamerami”.
W całym kraju wystawione zostaną specjalne kosze, do których można wrzucić niechcianą pocztę lub dane firm lub instytucji wykorzystujących ten sposób reklamy. Poczta ta zostanie użyta przez system Biuro Ochrony Praw Konsumenta oraz podobnego biura rządowego aby uwolnić ludzi z niechcianych list scamerskich.
W Hull inicjatywa rusza w Poniedziałek 2 Lutego i trwa do Niedzieli 15 Lutego. Specjalne kosze zostaną udostepnione w dwóch miejscach:
Ings Customer Service Centre
Savoy Road
Hull Central Library
Albion Street
If you want to cut down on the amount of unsolicited (non-requested) mail, telephone calls, emails and faxes you receive, the following organisations may be able to help you.
Mailing Preference Service (MPS) – by registering your name and address with the MPS you should notice quite a fall in the unsolicited mail you receive. It won’t stop mail that has been sent from overseas, un-addressed material or mail addressed to The Occupier. You will probably still receive mailings from companies you have dealt with in the past and you may also receive mailings from small, local companies
Mailing Preference Service (MPS) website (link opens in a new window)
Royal Mail Door to Door – if you want to cut down on the amount of unaddressed mail you receive you can register your details with Royal Mail.
More information on Royal Mail Door to Door (link opens in a new window)
Telephone calls
Telephone Preference Service (TPS) – you can reduce the number of unsolicited sales and marketing calls you receive by registering your telephone number (mobile and/or home) with the TPS.
Telephone Preference Service (TPS) website (link opens in a new window)
Organisations should not send unsolicited marketing emails to you without your agreement unless they have obtained your details during the course of a sale, or negotiations towards one, and they have given you the opportunity to object to receiving further information. If you have asked a company to stop sending you marketing emails but they continue to do so you can complain to the Information Commissioner`s Office (ICO).
More information on unsolicted emails from the ICO (link opens in a new window)
Fax Preference Service (FPS) – to stop unsolicited sales and marketing faxes you can register your details with the FPS.
FPS online (link opens in a new window)